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The RCW Public School Foundation was created in partnership with the Southwest Initiative Foundation (SWIF) as a way to build a permanent endowment fund that supports excellence in education at RCW. This partnership allows gifts to be tax deductible to the full extent of the law, since SWIF is a 501(c)(3) public charity. We have a local advisory board comprised of volunteers from the community who are committed to the ideals of educational excellence for our students. Innovative programs motivate and inspire students and teachers to excel. The Foundation will provide funding to help make these programs a reality.

The Mission of the RCW Public School Foundation is to enhance educational programs, invest in opportunities that would not otherwise be possible and expand lifetime experiences for our RCW students. 

The Foundation Advisory Board will review requests each year to dispense available funds to enhance RCW educational programs.

Advisory Board
Cal Anderson, Nora Anderson, Dana Engstrom, Brittany Hebrink, Cory Hebrink, Morgan Lecy, Ryan Lippert and Joan Negen