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Grade 5

Welcome to the 5th Grade Homepage

Ms. Bagley


Phone: 320-329-8369 ext. 1115


Mrs. Paehlke


Phone: 320-329-8368 ext. 1114

Mrs. Bagley

Mrs. Paehlke

I am married to Chad and we live in Kerkhoven.  I have two boys named Ethan and Evan who play baseball and basketball so I stay busy watching them and coaching volleyball.  We love to go camping and four-wheeling as a family and spend time with extended family.  

Important Documents

Our snow day protocol for tech days will be:

If you don't have an ipad home with you, you will be given paper copies of the assignments PRIOR to the snow day. Please keep these in a spot where you can easily obtain and remember them. They will be due when school resumes.


For those with ipads-

Contact will be made via email and your assignments will be on GOOGLE CLASSROOM, SHOWBIE, PEARSON, and THINKCENTRAL. You will also be able to go onto IXL, PRODIGY, MOBYMAX, and READTHEORY.

Useful Websites