Grade 1
Welcome to the 1st Grade Homepage
Mrs. Kronlokken
My name is Mrs. Kronlokken. Each year I experience a great group of students and love to work with them. Teaching is a very fulfilling job!
My expectations for my students are to be respectful, responsible, gain independence and self-control. Every week, a spelling list will come home. Spelling is to be practiced every night as well as read for at least 15 minutes. Reading and Math homework will be on colored paper (usually blue).
Also, please check your child's folder every day. We like to keep an organized desk and papers must go home. We are continuing the "Friday folders" so important information will be included there.
My goal is to use this web page to let parents know what is happening in 1st grade. Stay tuned....
Scholastic Online Ordering
You can participate in the Scholastic Book Clubs online. Click the link below to order books online for your child using your credit card. The books will be delivered to the school and will be sent home with your child. With each order, points will be earned to help purchase more books for the classroom.
Class Activation Code: J29FC
Click on the link below to access Scholastic Book Club:
Mrs. Novotny
Hello First Grade Families!
My name is Mrs. Novotny and I will be your child's first grade teacher this year! I graduated from RCW in 2011 and I started teaching first grade at RCW in 2018. I received my bachelors degree in Early Childhood Education and Early Childhood Special Education at Southwest Minnesota State University. My husband Trent and I live in Renville with our 2 kids-Watson and Hadley. Outside of teaching, I enjoy being around my family and friends. I also enjoy spending time at the lake and going for walks. I am excited to work with you all this year! Your child will grow and learn so much in First Grade!
You may choose to participate in the Scholastic Book Clubs online. Click the link below to order books online for your child using a credit card. The books will be delivered to school and will be sent home with your child. With each order, points will be earned to help purchase books for our classroom!
Class Code: THXY7
Click the link below to access Scholasitc Book Club
Ms. Swanson
Welcome to First Grade!
My name is Ms. Swanson and I am so excited to be your teacher this year! I started teaching first grade at RCW in 2022 and I love being a Jaguar! I got my undergraudate degree from the University of Minnestoa in 2018 and then my Masters degree in early childhood education in 2019. Since then I have taught kindergarten, preschool, and now first grade. I now live in Kandiyohi with my golden retreiver, Leia. I am excited to learn and grow alongside you this year!
First Grade Essential Reading Standards (found on report card)
I can....
Write the alphabet
recognize letters and their sounds
read and retain sight words
use phonetic skills to decode words
use comprehension strategies
read aloud fluently
write sentences using own ideas
write sentences using correct punctuation and capitalization
spells assigned words correctly
applies spelling in writing
writes legibly and spaces words well
First Grade Essential Math Standards (found on report card)
I can....
understand and apply place value for numbers 10-100
read, write, and represent numbers up to 120
count forward and backwards from a given number up to 120
find 10 more or 10 less than a given number
compares and orders numbers up to 100
use words to describe the relative size of numbers (more, less than, equal to)
creates and analyzes bar graphs and tally charts using counting and comparison skills
use manipulatives to model and solve addition and subtraction problems
can compose and decompose numbers up to 12, with emphasis on 10
skip count by 2's, 5's, and 10's
describes 2D and 3D objects
Identifies the rule and can create simple patterns
use basic acts to represent story problems in a number sentence form
use number sense to state if equations are True or False
Identifies missing numbers in equations
tells, writes, and shows time to hour and half hour
identifies coins (penny, nickel, dime) and value combinations up to $1.00
Math Topics
Topic 1: Solve Addition and Subtraction Problems to 10
Topic 2: Develop Fluency: Addition and Subtraction Facts within 10
Topic 3: Addition Facts to 20: Use Strategies
Topic 4: Subtraction Facts to 20: Use Strategies
Topic 5: Work with Addition and Subraction Equations
Topic 6: Represent and Interpret Data
Topic 7: Extend the Counting Sequence
Topic 8: Understand Place Value
Topic 9: Compare Two-Digit Numbers
Topic 10: Use Models and Strategies to Add with Tens and Ones
Topic 11: Use Models and Strategies to Subtract Tens
Topic 12: Measure Lengths
Topic 13: Time
Topic 14: Reason with Shapes and Their Attributes
Topic 15: Equal Shares of Circles and Rectangles
Topic 15: Step Up to Grade 2