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8:25-8:35am Arrval/Sign In/Welcome/Bathroom Break

8:35-8:40am Morning Meeting (Social Emotional lesson)

8:40-9:00am Breakfast

9:00-10:10am Free Play Learning Centers/Art

10:10-10:20am Clean up/wash hands

10:20-10:40 Large Group 

10:40-11:20am Small groups

11:20 Bathroom Break/Wash hands

11:26-11:49 Lunch

11:49-12:09pm Recess

12:09-12:20pm Music and Movement

12:20 Read Aloud

12:25- 12:45 Movie

12:45-1:45pm Relaxation Time

1:45-2:30pm Small Group Activity

2:30-2:45pm Snack

2:45pm Clean up, back bags, closure

3:15pm Walk Outside for Dissmissal


 *Schedule subject to change.